viernes, 8 de enero de 2010

bibtex is too smart for me

I've been struggling for some minutes with an error when compiling a bibtex file (the LaTeX bibliography system).

The error reads like:
Too many commas in name 1 of "Abhishek Verma, Xavier Llora, Roy H. Campbell, David E. Goldberg" for entry VLCG09
Well, after scratching my head and a few change-compile-fail-swear loops, I found out that bibtex notices the "and" token and the commas in the author tag.

The trick was changing
author="Abhishek Verma, Xavier Llora, Roy H. Campbell, David E. Goldberg",
author="Abhishek Verma, Xavier Llora, Roy H. Campbell and David E. Goldberg",
It's cool that bibtex knows so much about correct formating, but... yeah, maybe it's too smart for me.



The lazyweb returned me a clarification about all that mess. In fact, the "proper" way to insert the authors of a bibliography entry is spliting different authors with "and", no matter if it's the last or not, and commas are used to separate surnames and names.

So you can forget everything before this "update".
Thanks D.A. for the tip.

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