Ada Lovelace Day is an international day of blogging to draw attention to women excelling in technology.
I could think of several women that have done really amazing work in technological side (audreyt,etc.). I have read some technical books written by women too (Smalltalk-80 The language by Adele Goldberg).
But for me, being involved in software projects is the first step to be (maybe) a great software programmer.
So my 'tribute' to these (still today) pioneer women involved in a world traditionally forbidden to them is a talk by Kirrily Robert at OSCON '09 called "Standing out in the crowd". It's quite interesting IMO. Here are some notes on the talk.
Bon discurs, hi estic d'acord.
ResponderEliminarEspecialment quan ha dit lo de "don't stare".
Good spech, I agree.
Spetially the "don't stare" moment.