lunes, 27 de junio de 2011

read-only weekend

Pretty nice weekend:

Thursday night, a 'Gifted' concert with many of our friends attending.
Great St.Joan party.

From Friday to Sunday I didn't program anything but read a couple of
books. Yes, two. It's true both were quite easy reads and not very long.

One of them is OReilly's 'The productive programmer'. I found the
book a really easy read, but maybe it's beacause I already knew most
of the tricks. In fact I already knew I'd already know most of the
tricks. The second part of the book, though was a bit more abstract,
and I could make some use of the info there.

Points I found most interesting:

- Make a living doc. (From commit logs to wiki, for example)

- Learn to FOCUS. (I'll search for csikszentmihalyi's books)

- Composed Method and SLAP.

The other book I skimmed is more a long article than a book: Git Magic, by Ben Lynn.

It's a pretty nice source of info on git. Really concise and to the
point. Mostly beginner, but also contains some advanced tricks (with
the use cases explained), and a chapter on the git low-level stuff
(remember git from the bottom up?)

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