There have been a couple of posts in planet emacsen that explain how easy is to install it in debian or ubuntu (natty).
The thing is that I use an older ubuntu version and I had to compile it myself. Not very problematic, but here's the couple of libs that I had to install before being able to compile it. Obviously, you'll need the usual binutils and dev tools. also you'll need these packages.
apt-get install autoconf texinfo libxpm-dev libgif-dev libgtk2.0-dev xserver-xorg-dev xorg-dev libfontconfig-dev libfreetype-dev libxft-dev # probably, not everything is needed, but once you warm up, apt-get is too easy.
Then, just get the code from the repo, and configure install in proper directory:
git clone cd emacs ./ ./configure --prefix=~/emacs-24 make install
Now you have your emacs in ~/emacs-24/bin/emacs, and hopefully, everything will work from the beginning. I had to disable a couple of lines in my .emacs file, but just minor things.
Now it's time to try emacs-starter-kit 2.
For Ubuntu 12.10 the list is missing
ResponderEliminarlibfreetype6-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev libncurses-dev
but libfreetype-dev is not available any more.