jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

Invincible Perl

Have you seen the talk about DoSsing websites just using crafted data on forms (POST)? It's the trending topic of this week.

Well, here you have a couple of links related to this talk and some extra info.

The interesting thing that surprised me (or not so) on that article/talk is that the only language they tested that's not vulnerable to this attack is.... guess what? Perl. Here's the extract of the article:

Julian and Alexander did a great job with checking many programming languages used for web applications for their hash table implementation and hash functions. For all of them they checked, they managed to find a lot of keys mapping to the same output, except for Perl. Perl uses a randomized hash function, i.e. the hash doesn’t only depend on the key, but also on an additional value, that is chosen at startup of the application at random. All other languages also store the query parameters send in an HTTP GET or POST request in an hash table, so that a request with many query parameters all mapping to the same hash value will slowly fill such a hash table, before the first line of code written by the application programmer will be executed. Filling this hash table will usually take several minutes on a decent CPU, so that even a fast web server can be kept busy using a slow connection.

And here you have HN comments

+1 for Perl!
Between offtopic and related here's another nice talk from 28C3 that's having place these days in Berlin.

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