It's been a long time since any announcement on helm-dash. Now that we hit 100stars, we are happy to release a new version which supports third party docsets.
Kapeli keeps a list of user contributed docsets which aren't officially supported but in a contrib repo.
As the way to fetch the docsets changes completely from the official ones, I created a kind of adapter that fetches the docsets info and offers a curated version through a very simple API. The app that manages this is called dashes-to-dashes . Every 20something minutes it updates the list of user contributed docsets, and makes it available for any helm-dash user who runs `m-x helm-dash-install-user-docset'. The official ones are still available on 'm-x helm-dash-install-docset'.
There are some improvements in the support for windows, and a few bugfixes here and there.
Also, there's a branch waiting to land that will improve the userdoc trimming. When searching "rails | controller" it'll narrow the search just to 'ruby on rails' docset.
Stay tunned, and thanks for the support!
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