domingo, 20 de marzo de 2016

Praising MJD

Mark Jason Dominus is one of those guys that is worth following everywhere in the net.

  • Web: His site is quite old school. It reminds me of c2, or, that have really old look but is full of insights and no-bullshit content. Also, loads instantly.
  • Blog: Wide range of topics. From systems programming to functional programming, haskell, monads, git, books, alien codes, mathematics.... 
  • Book: Higher Order Perl is a great book on functional programming. It uses Perl, but the concepts are really language agnostic. It clearly follows a similar approach to SICP, maybe with a more practical approach.  Higher Order Perl is on my top 10 list of tech books. Top5 if we exclude lisp books.
  • Talks: He excels at giving talks also. There are very nice talks about. 

3 comentarios:

  1. WOW!

    Thanks to you for passing by and saying hello.

    Btw, Any news on the red flags book? drafts? something? maybe for christmas? :)

    Happy hacking.

  2. The Red Flags book is never going to happen. The publishers dropped the ball back in 2007, then my wife got pregnant, and now I think it's too late. Sorry!
