lunes, 19 de junio de 2017

TIL: evil-buffer-regexps

So I have my evil-mode perfectly adapted to my workflow, activating or deactivating it by default depending on the major-mode, so that I don't get into normal mode on magit buffers, or sly-*, or eww.

BUT, there are some buffers which you cannot easily control, because they reuse some major mode where I usually want evil-normal, but not in those cases.

In my case, it's *sly-macroexpansion* and *sly-description* buffers. They are both "lisp-mode" buffers (for syntax highlighting purposes and such), but I want 'q' to quit them.   As they do not represent any file, I was out of luck binding modes to file extensions. (btw, here's some recent article talking bout the ways emacs chooses your major mode)

So trying to hack something using emacs hooks, I found that, in fact, evil has us covered, and provides a evil-buffer-regexps, that allows us to predefine modes on given buffer names.

(add-to-list 'evil-buffer-regexps
             '("\\*sly-macroexpansion\\*" . emacs))

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