I've been lately giving a shot to some assembler tutorials. Just because.
I never did any serious assembler, but when I was into reversing I was eating asm for breakfast, but from the read perspective.
In https://github.com/kidd/assembler-tutorials there are the few codes I wrote, either following tutorials, or walking random paths myself, using nasmx macros.
In windows, there's MASM and NASM, but MASM is not in GNU/Linux, so the option was NASM. It's nice that it gives me the same syntax I was used to in the old days using W32Dasm, ollydbg, soft-ice and friends.
Anyway, I've been looking at nasmX, which are a bunch of macros that lift assembler a bit. At least, allowing you to write with ifs, whiles, and "forgetting" about the calling conventions. Super cool!
Meanwhile, I've been also following some reverse engineering forums, and rediscovered RE a bit. A nice fuzzy feeling that many things are the same, but tooling changed (radare2 is a must in linux, and the learning curve is vim-like). Still, I'm starting to do my first hacks on android using anbox, apktool, and jd. very basic stuff, but nopping a few things and rerunning them in the mobile is already an achievement!
As always, lots of resources, and not so much time to swallow them.
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