jueves, 25 de enero de 2018

make vlc fit fullscreen window

It's an annoying thing but I was already getting used to it: VLC scales its window strangely (using ratpoison window manager), and I always have to split and 'unsplit' the frame it's in, so it adapts its proportions to the enclosing frame.

But here is the solution: 

Try this...(note: this was written using VLC 2.0.5, but it should also apply to 2.0.7)

  1. In VLC, click ToolsPreferences
  2. In the bottom left, for "Show Settings", click Simple (it might already be selected).
  3. At the top left, make sure "Interface" is selected (it should be).
  4. On the right side, for "Look & Feel", uncheck...
    • [ ] Resize interface to video size
    ...you may also wanna check (or it might already be checked)...
    • [■] Integrate video in interface
  5. Click Save
  6. Manually re-size the VLC window to the size you want.
  7. Close VLC to commit the pref change & window resize.
  8. Run VLC, play some files & report if that's what you want.

It might be useful to my future self, and as I'm not sure where vlc saves its config, I might have to redo it in my future installs. (FYI, the config is saved in ~/.config/vlc/vlcrc, and the info is there, so just carry that file with your dotfiles and you should be fine).

2 comentarios:

  1. Do you have a similar trick for gvim? I always have to split and unsplit a frame before the bottom bar gets the right size, then do it again after :tabediting a new buffer.

  2. yes, when using ratpoison and gvim, somehow the window sizes are not synched in the beginning.

    You can solve it by adding:

    set guiheadroom=0

    to your .vimrc

    Hope this helps.
