This week I attended an emacs meetup in SF just by pure chance. I was browsing /r/emacs and there was a comment about the meetup. I found about it just the day before the event.
Being the first time I'm in San Francisco, and the fact that I'll be around just for a couple of weeks (for my new job), it makes it even more surprising that I was able to go.
We were about 15 people, most from the bay area, and I think myself I was the only foreigner. The meetup topic was "a few of our favourite emacs modes", which unlocked the possibility to talk about helm-dash (not that it's my favourite mode, but is the one I wrote (and I also find it quite helpful)).
So I volunteered and gave a really quick intro to helm-dash.
Others talked about evil, magit, pynt, multiple-cursors (that was nuts!), git-timemachine, use-package, and probably some more that I already forgot.
My discoveries were:
- evil can easily create new text objects.
- learn to use multiple cursors (although I prefer vim's substitutions, mc work better for multiline "macros", and give you more visual feedback than emacs macros)
- pynt and emacs-ipython-notebook . If I ever do python again, I should remember that.
- use-package has more options that one usually thinks. RTFM
- ggtags is worth looking at if your language is not supported by etags/ctags.
- hydra red/blue modes.
Lots of fun during a couple of hours talking about tooling and worfklows with random techies.See you next time I'm around.
What is jupyter-notebook-mode? Can you give a link?
ResponderEliminarWoops, I didn't review my notes and didn't check the exact name of this one: It looks like is . Sorry for the confusion. I'll fix it in the post.