If you're spending many hours a day at your computer, chances are the white background of the average web site causes some visual stress to you (that's why we use low contrast themes in our editors and terminals.)
Changing css styles of websites you visit can be done with userstyles (custom css's loaded by your browser), but until now, all plugins I've found to manage them sucked in one way or another. Here's my experience:
The most successful strategy I had until 2 days ago was using stylus with one of its "Global dark style", but the problem with those generic themes is that some pages go very wrong with them, and then you have to manually disable them for those sites, and maybe find an ad-hoc dark style for them.
That was the case with Slack, HackerNews, Reddit, Github (which are 80% of my browsing anyway).
But this week I discovered Dark Reader, and I'm so happy with it I can't believe it.
Just give it a try. It just works.
EDIT: I'm noticing added load and lag when loading some pages, but for now it's nothing that outweights the benefits, so for now, it stays
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