So recently I saw a couple of posts that mention APL approaches to problems. The cool thing is that I saw those in a Perl related forum and a Ruby one.
martes, 26 de mayo de 2020
jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020
Temporally Quaquaversal Virtual Nanomachine
I've enjoyed this talk so much I'm gonna post it here: Great as always, Damian Conway doing his particular 'GEB' on physics and programming:
Also, Keep Ruby Weird 2018, the same as !!Con, very interesting talks.
EDIT: 2020-11-10. Found
miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020
Recreational vimming
When I have to do some sort of development or file editing inside a container, I usually have vim there but not emacs. docker-tramp is very useful but sometimes I just want to edit there.
The .vimrc I have in my container has only one line (I can't function without it):
imap jk
Let's say I'm editing a lua script. After I've saved and c-z and run
the file several times, I realize what I want is to have is::nore ,rr :!lua %
Then I can test it much quicker. But I realize I'm always :w
. Colon, up, and modify the line to::nore ,rr :w:!lua %
Accidentally I quit vim and realize I have to set that again, so I go to my vimrc and add this:nore ,rr :w:!lua %
nore ,vimrc :e ~/.vimrc
nore ,so :source ~/.vimrc
With this I have a pretty nice way to iteratively finetune my config.
After some lua editing, the only thing I need to do often (and not
provided by the excellent vim default functionality) is to comment and
uncomment code.nore ,cc :s/^/--/
nore ,cu :s/^\( *\)--/\1/
This gives normal and visual comment/uncomment functionality, and
enough interactivity to build your ad-hoc shortcuts as you go. This is an example that just happened yesterday, and the nice thing is that it grows and flows from 0. I couldn't get to this amount of functionality from an
emacs -Q
in such a small time. It has
such a different feeling to configuring emacs. It reminds me of my
Perl days, it's fun and quick. And the language is very orthogonal, with
very few abstractions. It's the APL of text editing.This is my take on this reddit thread.