miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2023

Naming, Notation, and Idioms conventions

Variable names is a big point of discussion in communities, projects, PRs...

I'm on the "terse" side of the spectrum, and I think many times variable names are hindering more than helping. I lay on the "more inline anonymous things" rather than "everything-has-to-have-a-very-specific-name-in-the-toplevel-of-a-file". Of course, names should convey their meaning, and if they fail to do so, it's a bad naming, but I want to talk about the more subtle process of choosing active/passive names, short/long,etc... that conveys how one thinks about the code while navigating it.

Here are some of the concepts that inspire me on naming variables and organizing code "on the small".

Misscomunicating via overconstraining and overcommunicating: Sometimes, we create a piece of code thought for a particular use case, and the more descriptive we name the variables, the less obvious it is that that functionality can be used in other situations. In strongly typed languages, this interchangeability of use cases and discoverability is already killed by the language "features", but in the languages I like to use, it's perfectly ok to call the same functions to objects of different semantic meanings, even of different type or structure.

Huffmanization:"huffman coding" principle, meaning that things that are mentioned more often should be shorter.

Perl: has so many good tips about naming, and how to understand the dimensions of concepts in programming.  To name something, "topicalization" is introducing a topic you wanna talk about, and then be able to refer it with another (shorter) name (usually a pronoun) for some time, until that topic is out of scope.

APL, SmallerCodeBetterCode, Suggestivity: Showing the guts of the algorithms inline has its benefits (see Notation as a Tool of Thought paper), and the apl family is a great showcase of that. Variable names and the symbols used for the operators have a great importance there too. Also, not binding names keeps the algorithms generic and reusable (at the human level, not binding an algorithm to a usecase but to the concrete thing it does to a data structure has way more suggestivity than a triple nested structure with its own accessors).

K:  The great k's style.pdf has so much unconventional knowledge I can only suggest to go and read it with fresh and curious eyes. So bold it's what got me into k.  Also, "Stages of denial encountering K"

fast.ai naming conventions. Jeremy Howard's insights on programming are again, a bit controversial, but his tips have been always enlightening. If he says X, doesn't mean X is the only truth, but it means you should look at X with fresh and curious eyes, and maybe you'll discover a treasure.  He comes from an APL and Perl background, and writes so nice terse code I can only agree with what he says over and over.  Look at fast.ai style conventions, and the fast.ai abbreviations list. "One line of code should implement one complete idea, where possible"

Picolisp. I don't know how Alexander Burger chose all the names for picolisp's core functions, but there are lots of cool ideas both in the namings, and how the language api makes the code flow in a very natural way. (For example, @, or the `do` flexibility).  Picolisp code tends to be very dense. Not apl/j/k-dense, but very dense still.

k/q: Also, lots of names to pick from, and the information density is pretty high. From k I picked the massive overloading of functions to do "the right thing" depending on the types. I've never seen such a compact core, and it's funny to think that the functions and their overloads seem quite intuitive after having learned them for some time.  I never thought I'd say that, but here we are.

Forth and Factor: A bunch of words to pick from. If you're looking for a word, chances are that there's a Forth or Factor dictionary with a related concept.  dup, dip, swap, bi2,.... If you get familiar with those, there's a bunch of names and name compositions you can start using in your code, and things will just make sense.

Clojure: Clojure is of course very nice namewise, and it has very carefully choosen words. Even the threading macros, which are not names, but allow writing code in a way that leans to a very flow-y way. I never understood why `assert` doesn't return the first value in case of not throwing, but apart from that, no complains.

Red: Red language is the one I know the least of this list (maybe along with forth/factor). The language has such impressive properties also, not found anywhere else that I know of.  In that link I pasted, there's a function reference. Also, lots of interesting names to pick from.

Unconditional Code: Michael Feathers did a very down-to-earth talk in 2018 about Unconditional Code. The concept is not the same as the "anti-if" movement from the smalltalk community. In this case, Michael proposes to solve corner cases of our code by either changing the specs a little bit (many times making the code more generic), assume sane defaults (see Sussman's NYCLisp talk when he talks about flight autopilot, or John Ousterhout's Philosophy of Software Design), and some times, look for generality in the algorithm by exploiting data properties (examples of this is to make functions always process lists of things, and allowing empty lists so the function does nothing)

Other notations

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