- edit nginx conf file or lua file called from the nginx conf file.
- restart or reload nginx.
- check in nginx log file for errors
- Try the feature via curl or browser
The 'trick' is to use buffer local variables to run the appropiate commands in each buffer. So you should set a variable called run-command, to the string that will be executed when saving.
Hint: here's the pattern for the prop-line in case you want emacs to set the variable automatically when you open the file.
# -*- run-command: "/opt/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx -c /home/rgrau/workspace/nginx-translator/config_nginx.conf -p /tmp/nginx/ -s reload"; -*
For more fancyness, there's also add-file-local-variable-prop-line which can help you.
And the tiny code to hook the command to after-save hook.
(defun rgc/run-command () (interactive) (when (boundp 'run-command) (shell-command run-command))) (add-to-list 'after-save-hook 'rgc/run-command)To speed up the 3rd step, you can play with tailing the log file in a shell-mode buffer, or use auto-reverse-tail-mode. But let's leave it for another post :) Btw, Next weekend I'll be the next FOSDEM. If anyone wants to meet and hack some elisp or discuss vim vs emacs with a beer, ping me (raimonster at gmail dot com)