Lua functions can return multiple values, and the language will natively assign them to the variables on the other side of the equal sign.
local a, b = (function() return 1,2 end)()
print(a,b) => 1 2
That's fine, but when things get a bit more tricky is when the values are not returned in tail call position.
local a, b = (function()
local res = (function() return 1 , 2 end)()
return res
print(a, b) => 1 nil
The catch is that lua assigns the 'rest' of the values only to the last element of tables, or argument lists.
If we want to wrap a function into another while not being in tail position, we have to use a little trick. This trick is unpack.
local a, b = (function()
local res = {(function() return 1 , 2 end)()}
return unpack(res)
print(a, b) => 1 2