viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2023

A Few C++ Talks?

 Here are a few talks from the C++ community that when I watched I thought I'd rewatch again because they either are very cool even though I don't grok C++, or they talk about general programming concepts. Here's the list:

- Optimizing for Change in C++ - Ben Deane

- Easy to use, hard to missuse - Ben Deane

- CppCon 2015: Sean Parent "Better Code: Data Structures"

- Sean Parent "Seasoning" talking about algorithms

- Function Composition in Programming Languages - Conor Hoekstra - CppNorth 2023

martes, 26 de septiembre de 2023

Naive option picker (fzf) in pure shell

 I've been a big fan of option pickers since.... forever. I've used ratmenu, ratmen, dmenu, dzen, percol, fzf, helm, vertico, consul...

For me, it's so fundamental that I need this functionality in every piece of code/script I write.

Finally I got to a working version of a very small version of it.

As always, pure shell, but with some advanced features can give you a succint function that works predictably.  The /dev/tty part was the trickiest to get working, as I didn't know how to get input from a pipe, and at the same time be able to read data from the keyboard.

# fzf is either fzf or a naive version of it
# the input is a sed line number, so it can be
# single number: 42
# range: 1,10
# separate lines: 10p;50p
mute command -v fzf ||
fzf() {
local in=$(cat)
for p in "${@}"; do
[ "$p" = "-0" ] && [ "$(echo "$in" | wc -l)" -eq 1 ] && [ "" = "$in" ] && return 1
[ "$p" = "-1" ] && [ "$(echo "$in" | wc -l)" -eq 1 ] && [ "" != "$in" ] && echo "$in" && return
cat -n <(echo "$in") >/dev/tty
read -n num </dev/tty
echo "$in" | sed -n "${num}p"
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lunes, 4 de septiembre de 2023

Yet another example of "code the stupidest thing first"

 I've read a post called "Code the shortest path first", and I couldn't agree more, really. The core idea is a well known one to the reader of this blog (me, mostly). It's not even about YAGNI, or "The Wrong Abstraction". It's about having that "tracer bullet" or "steel thread" that guides you through the implementation phases. Also, if the feature looks too big from the beginning, you can try "SPIDR".

Also, what I find is that my first code, it's usually highly compressed, and that also gives a first soul to the implementation that lives on during the implementation.