lunes, 2 de octubre de 2023

Idempotency is so great

Once I'm presented with a problem, there are a few angles I instantly look at it, to get a shape of which kinds of solutions might work, and whether the problem allows for unknowns as I go, or it has to be right.

- One of them is idempotency. 

- Another is "does it allow for layered development/deployment?". Can I keep figuring out the rest of the owl as I'm drawing it?

- Steel thread vs gaining resolution as we go through

I remember Christopher Alexander's

The difference between the novice and the master is simply that the novice has not learnt, yet, how to do things in such a way that he can afford to make small mistakes. The master knows that the sequence of his actions will always allow him to cover his mistakes a little further down the line. It is this simple but essential knowledge which gives the work of a master carpenter its wonderful, smooth, relaxed, and almost unconcerned simplicity. (links to some brandur posts about idempotency and jobs)

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